Đặt câu với từ "raised its head|raise its head"

1. Its head [he] raised mountain high.”

2. The animal raised its head, suddenly alert.

3. 23 The animal raised its head, suddenly alert.

4. LAwlessness has raised its satanically-inspired head for all to see

5. Raise your head.

6. Its head is down.

7. Brachiosaurusheld its head very high

8. It may have raised its head above the waves as recently as 30, 000 years ago

9. The turtle poked its head out of its shell.

10. It just tore its head off.

11. The horse perked up its head.

12. Its head is more delicate and its tail less bushy.

13. It is brownish - black. Its head hides under its thorax.

14. I wanna cut off its goddamn head.

15. It always flies with its head extended.

16. The baby was screaming its head off.

17. I raised it, as some sweating weight lifter might raise above his head his dumbbells of iron. Sentencedict.com

18. The company relocated its head office to Stanford.

19. We used to have picnics in its head.

20. 2 The baby was screaming its head off.

21. The tortoise pulled its head into his carapace.

22. The bull put its head down and charged.

23. The cat snoozled its head against my leg.

24. I think the public has lost its head.

25. The ostrich swivelled its head in our direction.

26. He raised his arms above his head.

27. The name Cephalopod means "head foot" and it looks as though its feet (actually tentacles) are growing out of its head

28. By one of the legs is a clump of dust shaped like a sea lion with its head and neck raised.

29. We will crush it before it raises its head . "

30. Occasionally, it gave its enormous, shaggy head a turn.

31. 15 She dropped a rock on its head experimentally.

32. The bird cocked its head to/on one side.

33. The horse perked up its head when I shouted.

34. 18 He raised his head from the pillow.

35. Bare your head when the flag is raised.

36. ... turn its head back to look over its shoulder to better aim the swing of its dangerous tail.

37. The male praying mantis cannot Copulate while its head is …

38. A little bird was Bobbing its head up and down

39. Carrion Crow presses its tail down and nods its head slowly and calls quite slowly.

40. Algeria, Portugal, Tanzania, USA Brachiosaurus held its head very high

41. Broiling is like grilling, then, only turned on its head

42. Its head is less angular than that of P. volitans.

43. A little bird was bobbing its head up and down.

44. Aenarion rose and smote the daemon mightily, cleaving its head in two and shearing its arm from its body.

45. He raised his head to bespeak his son's wish.

46. She raised her head to bespeak her son's wishes.

47. First the owner starts to stroke the cat, tickle its ear, or gently rub its head.

48. Despite its two - ton, two - story - high hulk, this poor robot is living in its head.

49. During Bridling the horse should have its head at a naturally low head position, or lower if you've trained him to drop his head when asked.

50. EDGING forward, head lowered, eyes fixed, the predator stalks its quarry.

51. 2 A little bird was bobbing its head up and down.

52. The Counterpoise w balances the head about its axis of rotation

53. The world of particle physics had been flipped on its head.

54. The king vulture sat on its perch, naked head and neck.

55. This one had a prong like a dagger in its head.

56. Crabwise It comes at its atrocity Crabwise, instead of head-on

57. The attorney quickly turned his main defense argument on its head.

58. 10 A little bird was bobbing its head up and down.

59. And here's where the question of spec lists raises its head.

60. Like more Brontosauruses, he had a small head compared to its

61. 18 In croppy culture, common parlance is turned on its head.

62. 11 Its titular head is a person whose whereabouts nobody knows.

63. A pachy's neck attaches at the bottom of its skull, not at the back of its head.

64. Before I could even blink... it rears back its head, opens its mighty jaw... and shoots out...

65. As Leviathan lifts its head above water at sunrise, its eyes flash “like the beams of dawn.”

66. He tried to raise his head, and encountered an immovable resistance.

67. A Crested bird has a growth of feathers on its head: 2

68. The head of the armed forces declares its loyalty to the president

69. When you do have an opportunity to socialize, shyness rears its head.

70. The male bird has distinctive black and white markings on its head.

71. As soon as the gazelle lifts its head again, the cheetah freezes.

72. Device for detecting forces acting on a measuring head and its use

73. We immediately sent off our advance guard, with Carrel at its head.

74. Air pressure separates the turret head from its rest surface during indexing.

75. For one brief moment, the Gates family could hold its head up.

76. 18 This one had a prong like a dagger in its head.


78. The beast Chittered again, tossing its head to try and reach her with the point of its horn

79. Head-Butting is when the predator uses force in the front of it’s head in order to ram into its opponent

80. The Lieutenant's horse was tossing its head, snorting, raising its bright hooves high as it trampled the crop.